Lawlzors we can't. But we can make it such a hassle they say it's not worth it.

Sts already reset n banned a few of the major ones
So with the possibility of a ban + hassle = lost of many kill farmers

Heres what i was thinkin , add a 30-45minute timer on ctf ofc this won't stop them. But to regroup 8 people into a lobby isn't easy
So u can't farm 5k kills in the same ctf match get it?

Also the timer can bring ctf to what it was intended to be ctf making people work for flags
Since on topic of ctf adding a personal win record (most flags obvi win) and some behind it(ofc not 10k wins
-.-) no loses need to be tracked tht dnt matter cuz leaving would result in a loss which would be dumb so jus count wins

I didn't forget you low level empty lobby boosters, thats when sts comes in u shouldnt be able to pvp until lvl5 also
Take more notice on those fake low lvl k.ds and drop that banhammer
Im stressing this topic because boosters dont deserve spots on leader boards AT ALL!!!!let alone a season banner yall give to them.
I would cringe if i knew i had to reward a cheater with anything. I honestly lost my banner to a lvl3 and lvl15 that got 15k kills in 2weeks during 31 cap lol that is amazing huh..

As for tdm a timer wouldn't work the matches end quick soo thats the tricky one and seems to be where they prevail the most.
The only thing I can think is u cant kill the same player 15 times in same room.

Criticism, suggestions, w.e welcomed