Quote Originally Posted by Crowsfoot View Post
Even 1v1 Samael hs become ridiculously OP. I was in a match where I got 1 skill off and waited several seconds for the mage to kill me (he got three fireballs off). So, I just danced in place while Sammy slapped me up.
You're experienced enough crow, you should be able to notice the obvious workaround on sorcerer's deadliest tactic ATM; stunlock.
From my experience, it's all about surviving long enough conserving mana until the second hor then chopping up the shieldless bluebutt.

PvP would be altogether more skill-oriented without something as OP as samael. Skill as in ability to think and compile several tactics and combos with your own spells/skills, not rely on a panic to win. Seriously 1v1's nowadays are all about if stun pet works - if yours doesn't and the opponent's does, gf.