IGN: Meenkii

Frostbite (Ice) Vs. Arachna (Poison)


The name imply I do frost
Bite and slit your guts apart
I breathe in cavern full of crystals
Lurking in gems packed of doom
Arachna, may you weave your webs
All you did was “rach” in a chair
Am I right to fear your poison?
You’re just in a cave being a fool!


Don’t get high of your ice and gems
They’re just nothing when death comes in
Arachna is the name that you should fear
Living in darkness made me fierce
I have poison that ended heroes
Swathe you in cocoon full of misery
Frostbite a name nothing to fear
All I can hear is you sing “Let it Go”!


I am freezing and demise should be lonely
Must I see your blood in my patch of ice?
Ice is beautiful and frigorific
Never forget that it could be tragic
Death may arrive when you don’t trouble
Expect less when I get you in rubble
Don’t get cocky with your venom
I’ll freeze you and finish your despair in peace.


I am sizzling and death should be glorious
Ought to watch you melting in my poison?
Venoms are gruesome and dangerous
Mock my name I’ll make you suffer
Hearing you scream in terror is my music
Your hilarious ice I should soften
Spit you on your grave and mummify your body
As a token of your defeat!

Hope you had fun! Which is which? Ice or poison?