Wait so instead of which skills would u make into 6 frost? I think 6 pts into the debuff that minuses dodge + 6 frost is good enuff. Last pt could go in firestorm. No need for both debuffs imo, if bears can easily dodge the hit debuff.

Quote Originally Posted by Laar View Post
Stomp isn't a deroot like a Heal, Heal is readily available as a deroot, while Stomp has a bit of a longer cooldown. 6 Frostbite is very useful if you take cooldown into consideration. Nigrhmare could also be dodged, and it also has a fairly long cooldown. I'd rather not risk it and put it into a Frostbite.

If you use Frostbite first, you have the bear pinned down if beckon misses, and they waste stomp. Firestorm isn't going to knock a beckon out of range, because of GCD and a range glitch. The GCD is long enough to delay the skill long enough for the beckon to hit at 13m. The range glitch is a glitch that when you step back after casting a skill, you lose 2m range for a period of time while the enemy gains 2m: that's why there are weird stituations when you're running away from a mage while the mage can still hit you, but you can't hit her. And about the Firestorm cast even if it hits.. they still have a stomp stun and you won't be able to heal out fast enough and run.

Thanks about the non bashing btw. Sorry if I sounded harsh though.

The staff set is still a big no no. Bears have an OP damage buff with lots of base damage on top of it, and having less armor isn't going to help even with debuffs. And you aren't doing as much damage as you think, in reality you're giving up 20 armor for 20 damage, so its an equal trade. Also, an extra ice debuff isn't going to be needed. 6 Frostbite is already a low enough cooldown and it stacks. What's essential to fighting bears at 51, is lasting long enough to kill. You still have the majority of the damage from the Staff set with wand, and you have more armor. Oh, btw Wand set has more hit% than staff.