Join The New GoA!On the forums lately more and more players have been mentioning getting groups together for leveling. I help when I can, but honestly, power-leveling in mega-maze over and over is not fun anymore. A few players request to level in the actual campaigns because they don't have elixirs, but the leveling is so slow they usually quit after only a few runs. At first it appeared that this would never change because without new content in the game the amount of players leveling would be too minimal for groups to constantly be leveling. However, I realized that I too wanted to play the campaigns again because I'm tired of sitting on my high level toons in town simply existing and not really even playing anymore. It's time for change!
So this is my solution, because you should never complain about a problem without proposing a solution. I've put together Gamers of Alterra and created a level 1 alt named GOAavidlegend. I have already recruited several of my friends in game, they made a level 1 alt with GOA in the beginning of the name, and they have joined Gamers of Alterra. Now I'm extending the offer to all the players of Pocket Legends. Veteran players who feel they have reached a stagnate state like myself, or new players just starting off, everyone is invited to join in the growing community. We will level through Alterra through all the campaigns with or without elixirs, and avoid mega-maze at all costs. Any quests you liked? Quest rewards? Tell the guild and find others that have the same interest. Relive all the moments that made you love Pocket Legends in the first place, and make new ones.
This is a community guild, so if you have a good idea that would make you interested or help more people please share. If you are interested then please make a new level 1 toon and post toon name here in the thread so that myself or one of the other guild leaders can add you in game, or just find us in game and ask.