STS dev team,
It is currently possible for players to use platinum to buy extra slots for CS, stash, and character inventory. Why not, if for events only, allow players to buy extra crafting slots as well? Possible to purchase with golden and/or platinum.
I have a lot to say but I'm not going to say it all...only words I have are this makes it a solo event and I still can't play with friends as it should be intended...the whole game is built around friendships and frankly the only reason the majority play..say what you will but this does not fit a team event in any way....have fun to all those who will spend plat and wellness for an arcane pet...if it was about money for plat sales then I would say this still doesn't make good business sense bc you just lost me buying any plat and I have in the past bought actually makes me sad and not mad at all...makes me question my part in the AL much hatred these days from all sides
Yes, I'd much rather have shady and surge in lockeds than double odds chests. I'm an average player, I've been drooling over this pet for months to find out I can't have it and there will only be 30 in game. No shot at lb and by the time I save up the 50m to buy it they will all be opened. The lb should be rewarded with the pet but the little guys should have a shot at him too.
Last edited by Raregem; 06-20-2014 at 12:43 PM.
Its funny that they didnt learn from the past event....
8hours to regen a single energy... Seriously??? Have you guys ever listen to us? Yeah, there will be a craftable energy kit but thats not the only item that we have to craft in our 5 Crafting Slot there are still the spirit chests and the Elockeds that we have to craft.
Im very much dissappointed that again a pet will only be obtainable by being on the top10, why not put them inside your craftable locked crates and award them with some awsome tree looking leaf falling all over the ground vanity instead? Rich getting more OP and richer while the poor... forget the poor. Its now all about money and not the excitement of the game. I remember when I was still playing OnC the game used to be great and simple and you have to farm for your own gear, untill the fourth dungeon came in everything went crazy and became p2w. AL is now turning exactly like that.
Well goodluck and I hope you guys are very much happy of what you have done and im pretty sure you guys are now laughing all the way to the bank while some are trying to spend their money just to save those plat for this very exciting and fair event so they can stay up all night without any sleep for 3 consecutive weeks just to get that very awesome and more important than your health arcane pet. Clap! Clap!
This scam about crafting the energy kits is just another way to get plat users to spend more and plat on completing the crafting faster. It doesn't really solve the non-plat users problems just reduces the scale of the problem.
My suggestion? Make energy farmable from Arlor bosses or reduce crafting time to maybe 15-30 minutes. And I'm not even gonna get started on the 8 hours wait for 1 energy. In my opinion that just ruins the event for 90% of the players and I wish STS luck in handling the millions of complaints they are recieving as I type this.
It kind of bothers me that the 2 posts in this thread that are thanked by a dev are one that says "disregard the complaints" and another saying "people still complain, poor sts". Is this not sending a clear message to the community that sts doesn't want to hear our input unless we agree with what they have done? The fact that this system is still way less than satisfactory is highly disappointing. All it has done is load up our crafting slots so we will have to spend plat like mad to be able to be productive.
8 hours for 1 energy replenish is insane. At least they could make it 5 energy slots and fill them up every 8 hours.
Booyah! they got the bear idea, I saw someone writting about it like 2 months ago :3 (Ty Sts)
My question to either Sam or Rem is if this arcane pet is limited to only the top 30 players and not going to be in crates as well like Whimm.
There isn't much benefit to restricting it to only leaderboard players. People who are going to burn through plat/gold to get at the top of the leaderboard will do so regardless of whether the pet is still available in crates. First there's always a little something called competition, second they are still getting an arcane pet. an arcane pet
IMO it makes little sense for the developers/graphic artists to spend their time as limited as it is (we hear this over and over..)on designing and game testing an arcane pet that will be available to so little. This isn't a simple color change to an existing arcane pet. I'm sure there are more than 30 Whimms running around somewhere in arlor (the last limited time arcane pet-correct me if i'm wrong) And think of all the additional work that the Whimms needed in refining to get them to live up to their arcane status.
I just think it's a huge waste and little cost benefit to STG to limit an arcane pet simply to the leaderboard.
Sts ,remember to tarlok event.. it was verry fun!!!!
But money is changing it all...poor
EskimosmurfHelden Von Heute - Guild Master
My sentiments exactly, Sera! Why are only the positive feedback posts deserving of a Dev's acknowledgment of thanks?! Feels as though we have not been heard at all. Maybe it's just me, I don't know about the others who have played since season 1, but this game has had a special spot in my heart up until this last 'mega platinum friendly' season! And, this last Goblin event along with the planned Ursoth's event only leave me full of disappointment and sadness for a once fun, endearing, and very cool game. Our cries for the conservation of a once pleasurable gaming experience have fallen upon deaf ears...sighs.
The reason I said this is that the people arguing in general have these points:
1) the event is only for the rich and costs too much plat.
2) energy is too expensive and the cool down for more energy is too long.
3) Tarlok was the best event.
Here is my opinions towards those arguments:
1) Many lb Runners used gold not plat. Furthermore, there should be an advantage to rich players. There is an advantage to them in the current leaderboards, PvP, and elite so this advantage is expected.
2) The cool down is too long but the price per kit isn't that bad. Last event: 1 gyrm egg = 50 kits, 175 tokens (58 runs) = 20 kits, and locks covered many kits. Some players made money simply by looting a lot of gyrms. The myth weapons and double odd crates will make running the event profitable with the use if kits.
Should the cool down on energy be lowered? Yes, but will it change your odds of making the lb? Not a chance.
3) The Tarlok system that everyone is glorifying almost made me quit the game. In that event you COULDN'T compete without plat. At least now everyone has equal odds. The guaranteed dragon for 1 plat was ridiculous and destroyed the market. The tier system and random boss spawns rewards time invest!sent, something we have never seen before.
The energy system is ingenious in my opinion. It allows STG to make money off of both plat by encouraging usage of a disposable item by nonplat players. It also creates a supply and demand market controlled by the players instead if purely the in game store (same goes for elixir kits).
This aside, I would like to think my post was thanked because of the analysis of what was provided and questions that were directly related to problems that delayed the event. Those questions were answered and shows that the two major glitches that gave early advantages have been resolved. Were there better ways to handle portal holding? Probably, but coding a system that is 100% bullet proof is unlikely. STS isn't going to risk cheating in this event with 30 SnS eggs on the line.
I do have a bias. I am a nonplat player. As such, I'm a dog with a bone with an event that gives no definite advantage to plat players. I have the same chance at the lb as anyone else. The deciding factor will be time investment which is something I've been lobbying for in AL since I joined the forums.
So 30-40 Shady and Surge will be awarded, and considering this a 3 week events those who are trying to get this pet on our guild will have low chance even if we spend 8k plats. Hope they change of how Shady will drop, combined locks or locks. The tarlok event ran for 3-4 weeks and we've had enough supply for whims until now there are some left in hiding or hoarded. So i dont see how setting a definite number of shady and surge is going to be effective.
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