Overall awesome event! My goal was to get dova bears on all my twinks. I panicked at first because it seemed gold was too far to reach for free like in the goblin event in which only 2 of my toons made it. I bought a few dovas at high price, but in the end was able to farm some back and even at their current price of 400k, I think I'll be okay with that financially! Spent most of my time tailoring to the plat spenders by locked farming/crafting. And wow let me tell you that these things sold like hotcakes and are still selling! The buyers all seem to be random names I've never seen before which shows that either twink alts are buying or a new player base is driving the market! I wouldn't be surprised if these cost upwards of 100k soon. Doesn't seem like many people jumped on the hoarding boat as they were pretty high priced. The real winners were the crate crafters at 50k a pop.

Where I'm pretty sure I lost money on was twink amulets and gear. I had to buy all mine and let me tell you now that if you don't buy the elondrian amulet levels 1-9 with the dual stats, you will die as a twink. It's the real game changer to the twink world equivalent to the tarlok gears. Warriors finally get a damage stat on both helm and armor pieces.

I only wish that the stat lep/jack had some effects. The bonus 3 base stats is useless