Welcome to Wrath's forum page!!!
We are a new guild and are rising fast!
Join us !!!!!
-Do not disrespect members.
-Do not abuse of power.
-Only boot if a member breaks a rule. You must have some one to vouch for you.
To become one:
Be kind, helpful, trustworthy, and loyal.
Pretty simple.
-No begging ( for money, help, or anything else)
-No spamming Guild chat
-You are allowed to sell as along as you don't spam
-No disrespect. Remember, it is just a game. We can all get along.
Events will be hosted every friday, twice a month.
Don't mis out!
(Other contest may be held at anytime in between scheduled contest)
We do not have Tier 3 (yet).
An error has occurred while receiving my platinum. I will purchase tier 3 as soon as this issue is fixed.
I thank our members for your patience.