Quote Originally Posted by DocDoBig View Post
Back then when they were introduced people bought them because I can imagine that not everything costed 1337billion gold right from 2010 the beginning of the game
Actually, the whole Potions for Platinum option was not introduced until pretty late into the game (56 or 61 cap I believe). Around that time, potions were cheap enough/easily farmed that no one really used the Platinum option at all. Even way before that, when Potions were valuable enough, near the start of the game, players often made level 1 characters just to go to Stash and abuse the free starting out Potions amount. That was why they eventually added a disabled stash/CS option until level 10, which was later, after many adjustments, finally set to level 4.

If you meant the Gold for Platinum deals by Tori the Teller, then you are probably correct. Caps before Sewers involved a huge separation from the wealthy and the poor. It's possible that several select CS merchants probably held over 75% of the wealth around that time. I also used to hear some talk about a great "boost" in total gold that circulated the game because a certain character bought a lot of Tori's Platinum gold or something at one time. There are also theories about developers disguised as players that would simply generate gold and buy overpriced items from CS in order to inflate prices and insert more currency into the economy.