Quote Originally Posted by omerojs View Post
well i am not into complaining but since i just registered and last weekend i got kind of pissed of by some LVL 50 player i would like to make a comment about so that if its you the one reading then learn to control yourself.
i was in "the lost expedition town" i have a lvl 31 mage and i went into the icy grate, the one behind Ryom... it was empty when i got in, then this group of 4 LVL 50 guys came in bulling me telling me to leave and telling me that i am a leech and week and low lvl and some other stuff.. i told them that i am no leech .. i am lvl 31 and i am in the right place.. they are 50 and they should be in higer lvl grounds..
That is unbelievably rude of them and really pesses me off that players do that. You were in the right place, and there is no reason 50's should pull that crap.

Quote Originally Posted by rangepwnsmeel View Post
Ya... that was us. And in that case you were leeching. You were getting a free ride to a boss that you couldn't even dream of soloing by yourself. Btw this is apollo. And we weren't being rude at first. We kindly asked you to leave, but you were being very stubborn.
Dream of soloing by himself, NO. Dream of beating him with a group of 30's, yes. I should know, I have done it. So he enters a public grate he is the correct level for, and instead of finding a group of 30's he can team with, he finds a bunch of level 50 bullies that are either so under skilled they fear the 30 is going to get their team wiped or so unfamiliar with the game that they think the 30 is going to 'steal' their drop. So in the time it took you to go from 'not rude at first' to rude, did you ego get the boost it needed???