Quote Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
Hello all,

Personally, I think this is long overdue. With the skill display being inaccurate, giving away the knowledge that I know about rogues seems to be the appropriate thing to do.

Rogue Skills:

Aimed Shot:
The second hit of Aimed Shot will always hit harder than the first due to the 10% increased damage upgrade. Therefore, I recommend that every user of this skill spec 5/5 in this. Additionally, each time you fire this skill, you boost your crit by 10% for 5 seconds. This buff stacks, so you can stack it 2-3 times which equals around 20-30% critical boost. You can also fire Aimed Shot as a way to see if it is okay to pierce forward to speed up movement If the arrow flies forward, generally it is okay to pierce. However, on some occasions it will not be. This is due to the 14mm range of Aimed Shot and 16mm range of Shadow Piercer. Use common sense to differentiate in these occasions.

Noxious Bolt:
Noxious Bolt is quite a tricky skill with many applications. If you charge the arrow, you are rewarded with an AOE DOT that stacks but does not crit. This is best utilized with the AOE upgrade located in the skill tab. Additionally, the 15% damage impact upgrade on Noxious Bolt does not work, therefore making it a waste of a stat point. So, spec accordingly! For PvP users, it is recommended to only have 1/5 Noxious Bolt in their build mainly because it reduces poison damage therefore making it far less deadly against curse users.
- Will kill you against Curse users, refrain from using unless spec'd 1/5 Noxious Bolt
- Will help keep Juggernaut users alive so long as Juggernaut is active. The low poison damage acts as a trigger on Juggernaut to self heal. Refrain from using when Juggernaut is active.

Razor Shield:
This shield will grant you stun immunity from even the most gruesome of stuns: terrify & panic. However, it is glitched. So, it will only properly provide you stun immunity if you have 2/5 spec'd in Razor Shield (last upgrade only). The additional duration upgrade causes the stun immunity to fail. Additionally, you must charge Razor Shield to be granted stun immunity. All in all, a very useful skill in the rogue's arsenal.

Medic Packs
These packs will always heal 25-30% of your health depending on the upgrades and where you are playing (PvE or PvP). In PvP, they are a rogue's bread and butter. Since the packs stay around for about 30-35 seconds, it is recommended that a rogue drops them when entering combat to start the cool-down of the skill & then absorbing them (by running over them) when needed. This should provide you time to instantly re-pack when you run out of 3 packs (depending on the situation).

Shadow Storm Shot
Perhaps the most useless skill in a rogue's arsenal. With all the upgrades, the skill barely hits higher than a charged auto attack. Damage is dispersed as an AOE but since the skill does not auto-aim, you cannot run and shoot, therefore making it even more crippled. On top of all of this, it is the longest cool down of any rogue arrow.

Very useful in PvE to snare mobs, cause insane bleed damage, and ignore cool down of skill. Additionally, it has a low mana cost while dishing out serious bleed damage to mobs. If used properly, it can be an effective crowd control as well as damage dealer. Practice with this skill to make for efficient run times.

It is not very useful in PvP, but one can activate his/her own traps by running over them in a PvP environment.*

*= This does not apply for PvP

Shadow Veil
This skill is useful both in PvP and PvE. On top of granting a party 20% armor, which is the highest armor boost of any skill, it will boost the entire party's damage and reduce the enemy's damage & hit percent by a considerable amount. Therefore, this makes for a great team skill in PvE/PvP and 1v1 skill.

Shadow Piercer
This skill is the longest range skill a rogue utilizes & can help a rogue cover great lengths of distance across a map. However, it comes at a cost - mana. Additionally, this skill is bugged in PvE so it can hit almost as high as an aimed shot, partly which makes a rogue so overpowered. Upgrades on this skill are a waste for the most part, except for the health regen. Do not bother with the armor reduction chance upgrade because your aimed shot already debuffs an opponent's armor & debuffs do not stack - only the highest debuff applies.

• Rogue's Damage % boosts do not work in CTF due to a damage percent nerf to rogues in CTF.
• TDM is glitched so a rogue's Damage % boost does work in CTF as well as a rogue having the original unnerfed damage.
• Only the highest percent buff applies.
• Speed boosts are reduced to 0% once speed debuffed.
• Only the highest percent debuff applies.
• Debuffs override buffs, hence the glitch where rogue's damage % boosts do not work in CTF (including damage % pets)

PvP Build:
• 5/5 Aimed Shot
• 1/5 Noxious Bolt
• 2/5 Shadow Piercer (Health Upgrade)
• 5/5 Medic Packs
• 2/5 Razor Shield (Last Upgrade - Stun Immunity. Charge shield as a pre-emptive move to avoid stuns. Swap Noxious Bolt for Razor Shield when fighting Nott.)
• 5/5 Defense
• 5/5 Str/Int/Dex
• 5/5 Critical

Since PvE Builds can vary on which map you are running, I will not be covering a specific PvE build. Your basic veil, aimed shot, noxious bolt, shadow piercer will do fine.

Hey man, I'm using the 20% dodge with the stun immunity on razor and the stun immunity still works, don't have the bleed but at some point since you have to charge for the stun immunity anyways I might spec it

Nonetheless, Great tips/guide Zeus
