Quote Originally Posted by Mysticaldream View Post
I know, my sleeping has been fine this past week or so, it was really mosh mashed the week before, but I feel it's more sitting around until 5 or so every day. Granted I do school work and such, but I still have a lot of free time, and I some times bike places and see friends, but it doesn't seem to be helping me. At all:/
It's because you are being homeschooled right now. That seems like a very viable explanation. Homeschooling doesn't allow for much social interaction, so this is probably why you feel depressed, and then you come to PL because of the friends there (which is good!, it helps you deal with stress to prevent your brain from overloading), but what I'd say to do, is find something you really enjoy, and go ahead! Meet up with your old friends! Nobody cares and most of the time they LOVE to see one of their old friends return. But you don't need to take a break from PL, stress, along with hormones, homeschooling, and friends is causing this which is why you need to figure out a way to balance them.

This will sound corny but I suggest you make a schedule...to balance those things out. It will help... trust me Let me know and feel free to shoot me a PM on anything else