Quote Originally Posted by Fraline View Post
crap my pvp build was a mess after seeing this ahahahaha
how does defense help on rogues btw? increases armor?
Yes, it increases the armor based on your armor before the percent passive boost. Of course, if you already have an existing percentage based defense boost, only the highest percentage boost will apply.

Quote Originally Posted by Madnex View Post
There's a slight mistype at the traps asterisk explanation, you can't activate them on PvE. Might need to clarify that your party or the enemy needs to be standing in the veil to receive the buffs and debuffs respectively -- also, hit% debuff in PvP is useless, everything hits. Rest is pretty much what I've been using for a while now (finally razor getting some recognition in PvP, I've had my fair share of mockery on that lol).

Good work overall, this is almost everything!
Thanks Mad, added! I didn't add the standing in veil thing because at that point, I figured it was nearly common sense that one would have to stand inside the veil's perimeters to gain benefits.