Quote Originally Posted by Roberto077:1840815
Quote Originally Posted by Laar View Post
Braum, in fact, is not banned every game. I've seen Nami a good amount of times in Silver, not too common but not rare either.

My friend actually also banned Blitzcrank for the same reason, he also banned Warwick and Jax because people in low elo love to play the stupidest champions.
WW can be a silly champ but Jax is incredible if played right. I have never seen a nami in ranked but whenever Braum is up he is taken.
I agree that Jax is incredible, but know one knows how to play him like that (survive laning phase, attack move without canceling any autos, etc). The same reason why you don't see Nami, no one knows how to play her, but she has incredible playmaking potential with engage and disengage. Jax also got nerfed pretty freaking hard a few patches ago, which is why he isn't seen in competitive play anymore.