Cmon please fix this game! ! Im spending a fortune on ankh and elixir and keep dc on boss 4 in arena. I have all arena essence anf need a few more ancient to complete the amulet.. oh and the recipe that doesn't exist!!!! Ankh refunds and a realistic drop rate on recipe please STS people will quit this troll game myself included. Its a mythic amulet that we've been waiting for since the day of Nordr c'mon quit the bs trolling its not even funny. Arcane ring fair enough make it improbable but a new amulet of Mythic rarity when we already lagged and ankhspammed our way through the tombs numerous times just to realise that when you run the arena it DOES NOT DROP. Meh **** the recipe why do I even need one, realistically I have enough ingredients to make the pendant through trial and error. And what happens when one person loots this impossible recipe? Do they get to be the only supplier of the amulet for weeks/months and make billions when the rest of us put in an equal amount of time, effort and gold just to be constantly disappointed running arena farning shade, noble, poverty and deaths. Pfft all aboard the order and chaos train