Quote Originally Posted by Puppys:1944853
I was twinking mage few weeks ago and realized mages are underpowered at that bracket.

Sorcerers little DMG advantage upon rogues won't save them from rogues massive crits. In my opinion, mages need a DMG buff and Lifegiver buff because it's HP boost is inferior to other classes one.
Most of people contradicts me because they say we have mana boost and they call our lifegiver "op" because of that but they always forget our mana stat is very high so in a 1vs1 combat mana boost its unuseful, we got enough mana to fight someone without the lifegiver so mana boost it's useful for OTHER classes and not for us. Other classes HP boost is more effective and it's easy to see why, warriors still get HP few seconds AFTER using the Horn of Renew and its cooldown is pretty fast. On the other side of the coin, rogues can "eat" those life packs ONLY when they need it and they got 3 of them. Also cooldown it's fast and mostly in a rogue vs mage combat rogues got 6 packs while mages only got 2 lifegivers with +60% HP boost each while rogues got 6 packs with almost +60% HP each.
Our extra mana/ 20-30 DMG advantage won't save us from that.

Do you agree with me?

Please take in count the info I shared here comes from my experiences from low-lvl PvP. I'm sorry if I got wrong in any technical stat info, my memory is pretty bad, but in my opinion mages shield is fine, we need better Lifegiver and DMG buff.
Yep totally agree, like the op shield of horn against mages=no changes and that cooldown is crazy, and also the lifegiver is horrible
Also that would help little to add some health & dmg to int stat like making sorcerers little tanks,with higher dmg