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Let's calculate, shall we?
It took me, on the first day of the event with everyone starting from nothing, approximately 60 runs to get to gold tier. This will vary somewhat depending on your luck with bosses. Using this number as a base, we know the event runs for 4 weeks, so that's 15 runs a week which is around 2 runs per day to reach gold tier by the end.
Plat tier took me 165 runs, which means 41 runs per week / average of 6 runs per day to reach by event end.
The further into the event we get, the more people will be higher tiers. The higher the average tier is amongst players, the more groups will be getting better bosses more often. This means it will take less runs on average if you spread it out.
It takes time and effort to reach higher tiers and get rewards, however, for the length of the event STS's math seems pretty darn good this time. (at least for the tier requirements)