Hey guys, while using first time fyber you might or might not experience issues like these. All you have to do is hit the "?" Button on the top right and then search for the offers. When u hit the "?" Button there's the status of ur offer that u are doing. There would be a blue button which is the report problem. Just report it to the support team. They would give u solution. Fyber also has a waiting period which could be annoying but make sure that u complete the offer within the EXPECTED TIME. If u complete the offer before the expected waiting time you would receive the plats, try to do them fast ?

How does this work?

Earning free plats:


Take an offer

Do as directed like download and start.

IMP: A web browser would open up which would be TRACKING what you are doing. Do not do anything, when the page is loaded u would be directed to ur store, or maybe the website from where u have to so and so.

Once u downloaded the app, open and run it.

Then go back to AL. Wait for a while don't do anything, probably go do some auction or something. In a while or so u will recieve a msg " () platinum has been added to your account."
