Quote Originally Posted by Darkquantum View Post
Guys I don't think it was any guilds fault, ( Although I do love the blame game ) I'm sure we all have friends in many different guilds, and also people that aren't so desirable lol. As I see it you have your >gangers 70%, people who gang sometimes 20%, and your straight up good guys 10%.(only a gess and only my personal opinion) The perception that it was karmas fault is probably because until recently 55% to 70% of the people that Actually did pvp on a regular basis were karma. Also lol just a side note if its an even game 3v3 for instance don't call play or leave. Thanks enjoy

You join a room, get ganged once.. shame on them, you get ganged a second time... same on you, you get ganged a 3rd time........ lol get outta there you fool!!, you get ganged a 4th time.......... you dont care about your kdr
Rolf! nice one