Quote Originally Posted by Smithyyy View Post
Thank you so much for this. So many people ask "oh, so what if ur fox, then which attribute do u drop? dex or int?"

Classy Looter drops any items that you can actually equip. So if you have 150 each in INT and STR, you can get both INT and STR items.

The point of using Classy to farm Starries, Glyphic Blade Steels, and Dragon Vanities is that it eliminates most of the drop pool.
Initially, the drop pool consists of crafting materials/vanities/whatever else, INT, STR, and DEX items. If you're full INT, then obviously you cannot equip any DEX/STR items.

So using Classy takes away all the STR and DEX items from the drop pool. Adding a Shamrock on that forces you to reroll from Purple to Pink, and at Feast, the only Pinks that will now drop are INT items and Dragon Vanities. So Classy basically reduces the drop pool for you to get a much better chance at looting a Dragon Vanity.
okay Lets say you do runs with lv77 and u put your char naked 5 str 5 int 5 dex your saying that deu to not being able to equip anything every drop could be vanity or craftables???