I would love to see some possibility to win extra items also for working people who simply can't run 12 hours a day.

I don't like that in the moment when the event begins, I know that I can bring 1-2 toons to plat tier, 3 to gold maybe and that's it. No chance to get any of the extra items.

In general, I would like to see events/expansions that give also quality a chance and not only sheer quantity like it is the case now - during event, but in Tombs (2) as well.

Elite farming besides Tombs is practically dead, only hard-core elite runners (like our guild) or timed runners wage into elite realms. It's a pity, because the game has many fabulously designed maps and bosses. For example, my beloved Overgrowth, but also good old Frostir.

Oh yes I forgot - there's an arena with arcane rarity of recipe drop.