Quote Originally Posted by Justg View Post
I am sorry to contradict, but the game does not have camera rotation as you see it in PL. It is for similar reasons that we left it out of AL (the art assets are built to be viewed from one side only). This is to maximize the performance of a competitive game. I know Angeldawn, I love camera rotation too, but it really did not make sense in this game.

Yes ranking system and ranked play, with KDAs tracked on everyone, as well as a host of other stats.

BTW, I am out at GDC, and yesterday I was showing it to a group of mobile gaming execs. Here are some of their responses:

"This is the coolest thing I have ever seen!"
"You just blew my mind!"
"Thank you. Thank you for finally doing this."
One guy immediately gave me his resume.
One guy just gave me a hug. It was Klaas (yes, that Klaas).
Thank you! How will the search filter work? Will it search based on skill level (opponents with similar skill) or will it search for anyone?

I showed some friends the trailer and explained the concept, they said if its enjoyable they'll move from LoL