Above are all my main rushing accounts.
Hello everyone, today I'm going to teach you how to piss off a Rusher, and how to rush while maintaining a positive kdr. I'm doing the how to piss rushers off part because I think its fair that people know.
First off I'm going to tell you the people you shouldn't rush if you're a new gen rusher:
Practice(His gun is OP)
Rocky/Learned/Pinkjinx/ Cix ( Unfortunately he has a lot of friends who can help him)
Hoboe(Same thing with Rocky)
Mrval( Improved, will be some trouble)
OK let's begin. So as a "Rusher" the main objective is to get as many kills as you can without waiting around for "go" there are two types of rushers, the one I just told you about and trolls whose main objective is to piss you off make you upset. Im going to teach you about how to rush for kills.
This is called sitting, when you wait for the right chance to get up, very effective for dealing with teamers.
What I did here is wait for one of them to challenge me. I went for the ones who was closest which in this case was organization.
This I call "splitting" which gives you an advantage as a rusher you split the person you just combo'd from the other player and wait for him to come back than use your blur and you should've gotten the kill
It is essential that you know the ranges of your skills and guns
Lurch: 12m
Lash 12m
Amp: 12m
Those are the three skills you'll be using mostly lurch arrives at the target faster than lash does so remember that.
If you're fighting against kiters always stay within the 8 meter and 6 meter range or else they're just going to kite all day and will be very very hard to get done within range walking is effective against kiters
Equipment needed:
Shred Tech pistol
Pink brisk holly shield
Goo Soaked Sleeves
Plat set
Dodge rifle
Crit Rifle
Shred rifle
Best Equipment Combos (IMO):
Plat set dodge rifle: Kiting
Plat set/w Goo Sleeves & shred pistol/w Brisk shield: Tank
Honorable Mentions ( People who have made me better by teaming me):
Anaweeba (Rush buddy) Quit
Bounded (Rush Buddy) Quit
Warned (Rush Buddy) Quit
Vanhellsing & E-man Team
Honorable Mentions(Guilds)
Project Twink (My first guild)
Aurora Twinks
Death before dishonor
How to piss a rusher off:
1). When you know you can't kill the rusher join their team. Wait until they rush another person on the other team than switch and team them. This wonderful tactic I call the "Rocky Maneur" very efficient if you want to have good kdr.
2). Make up something, for example: "This kid sucks" or something like that. If you just keep pushing most of us will respond eventually irritated. Or we might not respond and just think to ourselves, how many times we've farmed you. So its irrelevant. Anyways I'm off topic now, so do that and it will get us irritated and the calmer you are the better you play IMO. So even being irritated a little will effect how you play. I call this tactic the "Oep Special"
3) Another way to piss a rusher off who only rushes for kills is the infamous rejoin. Although you will get deaths like crazy, it is still efficient to get someone upset. Depending on who you play against. Naturally people create death toons so they don't get their main twink's kdr messed up. I call this "the Deathplague" :/
Honorable Mention(Annoying Tactics):
Trade Spam
Pm Spam
Saying "rage" after everything someone says
Starting Rumors
(Annoying Tactic, Inventors) Honorable Mentions:
Sent From Rushers United