Quote Originally Posted by jesstter View Post
Well, I wouldnt say "complain" is the right term. Disappointment is a better way to put it. But I so notice its always the same ppl defending sts. Just sayin, unless they are paying u to b positive about bad "events", u should see everything as it actually is. And these last 2 are basically a waste of time, unless u have 23 hours a day to run brack for a banner.
Honestly though, in what Way do you have any right to complain to sts for giving you free events?
Maybe you need to revaluate a bit and put your critisism a bit more nicely.
The Only time i see we should complain to sts is when there is gamebreaking bugs or when they are unproductive, like recolours.
(Also i run about 5-6 hours per day in total and im 12th on rogue LB)