Quote Originally Posted by Candylicks View Post
Enigmas are, by definition, tough to figure out. If you want to cultivate a little mystery in your life, but still maintain the magnetism and charm of the Bogarts of the world, you can learn what parts of your personality to pull back and which parts to emphasize so as to better cultivate an enigmatic persona in your speech, in your behavior, and in your personality.


1. They see the strengths, not the limitations, in others. They make you proud to be yourself–because they tell you why you’re special.

2. They trust you so fully that you feel compelled to meet their expectations. Consequently, they make you feel like a better person than you normally are.

3. They respect you for what you have done and where you have come from.

4. They are authentic and don’t need you to lie to them to feed their egos.

5. They live by their rules but don’t expect you to follow them.

6. They are at peace with themselves, so they don’t have to prove anything to you.

7. They’re good listeners and sincerely interested in you, so you feel important. Because they’re available for honest and genuine discussion, they make you want to share yourself.
And I would suggest the 8th : They are enigmatic