If you play a warrior, you might find soloing Shuyal and Tindirin challenging if not impossible. You might need help with the bosses, so I hope your skills are well up to the challenge of tanking in a party. I would say waiting till you're about 5 levels above recommended level for a map helps. For instance when I was leveling my warrior, I didn't go to Nordr when I got the quest at lvl 23, but kept leveling in Kraken Isles till I hit 28, when I could solo the first three Nordr maps (but boy did it take forever). Had to relent and asked for rogue help for the 4th boss though, because of the freeze pool around the spider.

But yea, if you're running elite you're going to die some. Maybe not so often because as a warrior your survival is crucial to the whole party's survival. But there will be deaths. You can't keep perfect k/d if you also want to run elite, but you can keep your deaths reasonably low with skills, experience and good gear.

My k/d is totally messed up because I started off completely unaware of skills and build. And I was stubborn and didn't know better. If I kept dying on a map I didn't just give up and leave. Soloed wt at level 16ish with broken build and blue/green gear and died tons and was proud just for being able to pull it off. I wince when I remember that now. After I respec'd I started running more elites which results in more deaths (Skull Cove...). Helping guildies with bad build, lack of elite experience, wrong pets on elite maps, through laggy game, just piled more deaths on me. But if I play it safe, if I want to purposely avoid dying I won't be able to: (1) help my guildmates & friends; (2) go on more challenging maps; (3) keep myself from getting bored. So yea, as much as my k/d embarrasses me, it also tells the story of how I've grown in the game.