Quote Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
Hello Gary,

I wish to be considered for the Alpha access because of the following:

1. In all of your games, excluding DL, I have been hardcore into PvP & have established many effective techniques for the classes that I have played in your various games.
2. I analyze game mechanics & try to figure out the reason why a bug is being caused rather than merely addressing the bug. This is so to help developers locate the source and fix the problem more efficiently.
3. I regularly submit bug reports in the Technical Bugs and Issues section of AL. Anything that requires immediate support, I PM the respective moderators about so they are able to handle the issue in a timely fashion.
4. I've been a loyal, passionate, and hardcore player of STG games for 5 years and counting.
5. I regularly win developer hosted PvP tournaments. In total, I have placed first or second in: 6 tournaments, 4 of them being developer hosted. I mention this not as a boast but as a means to show that throughout your games, I have been referenced as a skilled PvP player.
6. I can play on all platforms: Android, Chrome, iOS
7. I have the hardware required to take videos to highlight important bugs.
8. I have a YouTube Channel with 469 subscribers and 63,000 views.
9. I am highly into PvP and host many of my own developer sponsored tournaments such as the 8-bit Salute CTF tournament or L36 Battle of the Greats CTF Tournament!

On top of this, I am willing to share knowledge because while knowledge may be power, I am also interested who is able to apply knowledge in the most effective manner possible. On top of this, before making these guides, I made sure I was the best if not one of the best in the category so that I do not distribute false knowledge:
AL PvP Guides:
Rogue Tips & Tricks - Everything To Know About Rogues

SL PvP Guides:
Operative PvP Guide

PL PvP Guides:
* L66 Bear PvP Guide
* L61 Demonic Bird PvP Guide
* L71 Bear PvP Guide

PvP Videos:





I would like to nominate the following players to be considered Alpha access testers: Shinytoy (Sorcerer), Night (Warrior), Asphynxia (Rogue), Centergy (Warrior), Arrypotta (Sorcerer), Conradev (Sorcerer), Avshow (Rogue), Danley (Rogue), Twoxc (Rogue), Protidgy (Rogue). Any of the above players are highly skilled and understand game mechanics in AL so I feel that they will be able to do the same in the future. The fact that there is 3 slots will not change my mind about any of these recommendations.

Thank you for considering me,

Updated my original application!