Can anyone post gear and build please
Can anyone post gear and build please
To find build use google and the gear is shivering set. You can use hallow int set as helm and armour as you like.
Thank me if i helped
"Treat others like you want yourself to be treated, time will reflect your doing upon you someday..."
If you have money or some 30L hallows dex or whatever use them. Oh and build. I have seen that cb is op agaist other bears here so
6- rage ib hs . 4 beck. 3stomp. 2cb and rest on slashes. Idk how good this build are but still I will be happy if I helped a little
Eh, trashy build.
Max rage hs cb, 4 beck 3 stomp 1 sms 1 cripp then 2 Ib
thats a basic build
i think a good build would be
6 Rage
5 iron Blood
4 Beckon
3 Crushing Blow
4 Super Mega Slash
2 Crip Slash
1 Vengful Slash
5 Evade
Thats just my guess imma try it out tho
A more viable build would be
6 rage
2 Iron blood
4 beckon
3 stomp
6 hs
6 cb
1 sms
1 cripp
Build depends on what are u gonna play... l30 str bear or dex bear?