Quote Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
Copy and paste is a software not related to STG.

Mobile users used to have saved chat feature in the other games but it was purposely discontinued in AL to avoid spamming. I can spam around 100+ messages a minute on Chrome and less than half of that on mobile. The game wasn't meant to introduce spamming and I think typing a few more lines when selling items never hurt anyone.
That's all very well, but the fact remains that while merching you'll often want to change towns to reach a wider audience. Typing a long message like some (like Zephy) do - "Buying so-and-so / so-and-so // Selling so-and-so / so-and-so PM me" will only be easy for people with WPMs crossing the 80s. However mobile users can still do this. I don't see how it's gonna make much difference if it stays tbh.

By all means remove the smart chat system but please, let this remain.

(For the record, my WPM is 110 so this wouldn't overly affect me. I also own an android device & would play on that if I didn't prefer PC so much.)