I ran over 2000 times in the Planar Arena without getting anything of value. It wasn't until another 100 runs in this double odds event that the work actually paid off. Now, if someone who had never run arena before came in and looted a fossil or two in their first few chests, how is that fair to people who have been working for months? It's not. But then at this point I am just relieved to get out of debt.

We have had several threads about this "luck" system in the past weeks, as pertains to the new expansion. I believe it is very clear that everyone - even the lucky - would far rather see a guarantee of some sort, than be spending piles of time and money for potentially nothing.

If there was a quest where you would obtain x item after 500 runs, then it would be fair to everyone. If they wanted to make x item a RNG drop also, that's fine, but STS needs to at least ensure that if we work our butts off, we will get what we are working for.