Quote Originally Posted by ralrigs View Post
clock control on boss in tomb clearly not working better that the freeze bug ...
The freeze bug made Taurus a joke. There was no challenge at all. Clock makes Taurus manageable. If you don't know how to clock Taurus effectively, I suggest you have another mage show you.

I found the safest way to kill the boss is to have one person (rogue or mage) control the vines, have a mage keep the boss clocked, and have two rogues pound away (with one stunning if necessary). It's really quite manageable if everyone knows what they're doing. I can show you if you want help. If you say you've tried this method and you're still struggling, I don't know what to tell you except you're doing it wrong or you have an inexperienced or uncoordinated (or laggy) party.

You'll notice this method has no warrior present. That's the real issue.