Quote Originally Posted by robert7204 View Post
Last night I got my 10,000th kill while doing a keeper run. I announced it to the party I was in and expected to hear "grats" but no one said anything. I got to looking and everyone else was at least lvl 51 but only had 5,000 kills. There was a lvl 55 who had 7,000.

Here's the good part...I left there and went to Balefort and made my announcement. Once again no one said congratulations but some random bird (lvl 55) came over and said "here's a prize" and gave me a void helmet! I said "thanks" and he said "np, keep playing". I thought that was really cool. But now I wish I had saved some pinks to give out to lower lvl players instead of selling them all. I've got some pink bows and armor starting at lvl 35 but nothing before that. Every once in a while I'll go to a lower lvl to help new players out but I'm definitely going to hold on to a few pinks every now and then just to give away.
well, nowaydays, most people get powerlvled at plasma pyramid so dont be surprised... But i like ur thinkin! Its people like u that show that mynasgens havent taken over the PL world