I find this idea a good one too and I totally support it - for them to implement something like this, STS must be having a problem with many new players not actually seeing the game through to cap level- levelling up a bit and then getting bored and putting down the game never to return... if that trend continues it will lead to the game dying.

Less people sticking it through to endgame = less people buying plat and becoming long term investors in the game = the game eventually not bringing in enough money to make it worth developing expansions for... we all know what happened to Pocket Legends (development cost began to outweigh revenue from the game so development was stopped.)

This solution will help keep the community at end game alive: as people leave the game a steady flow of people will replace them, and this boost will hopefully keep the game accessible for casual players who want to just pick up a game and get right into it.

Let's not forget that the boost will not take the players all the way to the "elite" cap. It will simply allow new players to join us in the most relevant and current content where they will then have to level from 41 - 46 (no small feat from the looks of the required xp and more than enough time to be learning the mechanics of the game and of their chosen class).

Additionally.... we feel that we have learned by "levelling up" but realistically, most of the things we learn about build, auction, trade, game an map mechanics an so forth, we have learned that at the "end games" we have played along the way. It is the length of time we have spent playing the game which has lead us to the experience and knowledge we have not the fact that we played hermit in the tombs to rush through 5 levels at the start of each new expansion.

Finally - depending on the price, I can't see this idea suddenly introducing hoards of people boosting to level 41 for real life money... old players and regular plat spenders are likely to do this for alts but, a brand new face who has just downloaded the game and is immediately presented with "pay real money to hop up levels"... well that is a double edged sword as to whether they say yeah ok and take the bait, or whether they say "omg this game is obviously pay2win" and delete it straight away.