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I disagree with some people on this thread, to an extent. I have no problem with the flood of arcanes to the market and the crash of prices. That part is perfectly fine by me - as I may finally be able to afford a single upgrade to my current gear. What I disagree with is the whole pay to win aspect of this. If these tokens are really only available to people who spend real life money on the game to open the locked crates, what of the rest of the players? Should they just continue walking around in their legendary gear while everybody around them is in full mythic and arcane gear, not inviting them to any parties, thus stopping them from being able to make any profit? Should the non-plat spenders just sit around until they finally give in and pay money too, just to be able to play the game in the first place? I personally don't think this should be the way things are run. I am of the opinion that everybody should have a reasonably equal opportunity to get the same items. Platinum, if at all in the game, should be able to help a player get to his goal faster, but not so much faster that it's really the only viable option.
Even if regular and elite golden ren'gol crates drop a token or two every time they are opened, how long will it take to get enough tokens to buy something like a shard or fossil purely with farming? Let's just theorize here for a moment and say that a regular run of a ren'gol map takes 5 minutes, and that you are really lucky and get a golden ren'gol crate 20% of the time (1 in 5 runs). If a fossil or shard is 750 tokens and a golden chest guarantees 1 token, you will only have to run 3750 ren'gol maps to get enough tokens to pay for 1 item. At 5 minutes each, this comes out to 312.5 in game hours... to put that into perspective, that is 2 months for someone who gets on every single day and plays for 5 hours a day straight doing nothing but running ren'gol maps, with no breaks, and no spending time talking with friends in the game. Now, would I rather do that or drop a couple hundred dollars in STS's pocket and get the item I want in 5 minutes (or however long it takes to pop open a couple hundred locked crates) or spend 2 months of farming for 5+ hours a day just to get a single item drop? Point is, the gap between plat players and regular players is far too wide, and makes it so platinum is really the only way to play the game - if that continues to be true, this game will die.
The teasers posted so far have not excited me for the expansion, in fact they've made me even more concerned that this game is heading in the wrong direction. I'll wait until after the expansion release to make my final opinions, but from what I've seen so far, it looks like only people who pay real money will be able to take advantage of the better gear and systems of the game and the rest of the players will either give in and join the paying players or just quit the game entirely. Quite honestly, it'll be the latter, rather than the former. All said, I enjoy playing the game when there is something to do. I just fear that the game is going to come down to only farming locked crates rather than any end-game content, and with the increase of essentially pay2win content, you will see more and more players quit. Hope this does not become the case, though.