I'm not pointing it out to insult anyone, but I see these shops such as baron, and the "rest of them" to summarize it, where its literally a few renders slapped onto an already made background and moved over something that little kids would be attracted to such as lightning or flames, as long as things like those are in a signature children will flip their lid. Then there are a few people like this topic poster who is great at drawing but doing the whole "slap a render on a background" kindve thing and since other children like those things they're directing him in a bad direction because he's a actually good at drawing and not at signatures.

IMO. Nobody on Legends forums that are currently active, even myself, can make even decent signatures. They don't understand some colors go well with others and that abstract and then merge art are two different things. That half the tools on Photoshop are there. Just the paste tool for the pictures they slap on there and move around.

I know maybe two people on here that are decently good at drawing and or sketching. But nobody here can do signatures that would impress anyone who knew anything about art work.

There are tutorials is all I'm saying, there are QnAs if people have questions. I'm sure there are even apps teaching people now. I will be honest I do get irritated sometimes on here seeing signatures that I could literally make in my sleep in five minutes rather than decently made signatures that I enjoy doing for people for free that take me hours. Its like SiggyMc being good at drawing but people request my drawings when I can't draw. That kind of thing, and for those people who's topics I see that you've sold 10000 signatures for 100k+ a piece on utter crap is a bit insane.

This could be taken as a rant. Could be taken as a word of advice to a lot of us here that we need to practice on our art knowledge before you just try and do it. There are always fundamentals in everything you can learn, and yes practice makes perfect but I would never call a signature I'm getting paid for called practice.

Anyways, good luck to all fellow artistic minds!