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Agreed. I think Nekro should continue to be the best Arcane pet because not only do you have to loot the Fossil, but then crafting is also required. However, of the Arcane pets that come directly from eggs (Hammerjaw, Glacian, Samael, Singe, Maridos, Toor), since Toor is the newest it should be the best one, at least in some respects.
Any newly released Arcane pet should be the best for at least a couple of things, or else what is the point of having such a pet? And right now I cannot think of anything that Toor is the best at. Since his happiness bonus is not the best, I thought for sure the earthquake AA would be super powerful and that would be the draw of this pet. But sadly, from what I hear it is not.
I've heard that Toor's AA is no better than Nilbog's. Honestly, I was expecting something more along the lines of SnS. And since SnS has the heal component of the AA pools that Toor does not, I think Toor's AA should be the most damaging AoE of any pet.