Quote Originally Posted by Fibus View Post
Some of what I am going to post has already been stated by others in this thread (thanks!), but I'll add some confirmation to it.

As has been said previously, a goal with this expansion was to lessen the gap between players of different gear levels. To best accomplish this, we took a good hard look at how we create items and decided to make adjustments. This is one of the reasons some players with Imbued gear from Planar Tombs are not seeing huge improvements in the stats of the currently dropping Legendary gear. Players that didn't obtain the best in slot gear from the Tindirin expansion should be seeing significant upgrades though. As the Rage of the Ren'gol expansion progresses, and additional opportunities for gear are introduced, those players striving to be the best of the best will ultimately be able to distance themselves, gear-wise, from players that are not as hardcore, but the distance will not be as great as before. Once we are further into the expansion and players have had the opportunity to truly experience how this new approach works, I'd love to hear everyone's feedback.

And as an aside, when comparing gear, it is important to do so properly. Comparing a bow with a Paracelsus gem to a bow with no gems/jewels will naturally make the bow with the gem better.
Thank you for listening to my complaints for the past several months! I'm glad you guys are taking steps to significantly shorten the gap between the best and the next-best! Thank you!