Actually I'm wondering whether with the certainty of farming tokens and getting tokens from crates, whether you might have fewer of the giant spenders but lots more of the smaller spenders. If STS gets many more smaller spenders, then actually their game will be healthier and more profitable. It's the masses that make games billions, not the one billionaire who buys 1000 copies of the same game.
Star light, star bright...
Last edited by Edward Coug; 07-13-2015 at 04:02 PM.
The solution is for sts to constantly add new things into loot table. Maybe make massive locks drop super rare(awesome looking) vanities as titanfall suggested in another thread. This will raise price of all 3 types of locks and give plat users something to open for maybe rotate a couple of vanities every 2-3 months and make them tradable also.
It has to be rare not farmable and superior. STS has shown they won't rotate anything very often... We've asked for that forever even before it got this bad. That gold toor should be majorly buffed for one... Rarest pet is a vanity pet... W t f. In addition more gold needs to be back in locked we are losing so much gold now there isn't enough to even make transactions flexible anymore. You should get more gold when you don't get items worth anything. Sad that even opening locked spending real money can't hardly break even. It's going to be hard to make prizes for guild leaders now.
I've gone from spending real money to just farming and hoping for luck farming because u can actually lose gold opening locked now. My question is how does the company make money like this? I've gone from one of the biggest supporters to "why am I even doing this anymore."
Right now my guild family is what keeps me coming back for now. Spending real money does almost nothing for you or your guild anymore. How that can be successful business model is beyond me???
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rogue ~ retired GM Enigmatic
If sts ever does decide to rotate items every couple months then these vanities can be a huge money maker. Put them in massive lockeds and all lockeds price will go up, make the vanities very desirable, maybe special effect when wearing helm and body. This would make it desirable by many others also. So make it tradable that way people open more locks. As far as real gears go idk. If done right then the vanities can be a huge success
It's obvious what's happening. What happened when to pl when al come out? And with all the other mmorpg games stg had before. They cleverly forced people to want to switch to the new money maker. Now al is dying, where will we all go now??.... Hmmmmm..
That was exactly the problem for the last year and a half. Everything decent was rare, not farmable, and superior to the point of obliterating anything else in the game. We have been fighting for a year and a half to get to the point where the entire game is not in the hands of plat spenders (/farmers).
The problem is that now STS has obviously intentionally deflated the currency yet is shoving plat spending in our faces with excessive ads so that logging in feels like someone hitting you over the head with a "SPEND SPEND SPEND" banner. Try logging in on a twink - all you see anywhere is "Level to 41" buttons.
Additionally, they are still making everything originate from crates, so the plat spenders are still the only ones able to get the good items into the game. With the exception of fossil, every other arcane is exclusively plat-based. (Don't even bother to mention arcanes in gold chests - they might as well never have put them in there at all for the amount of drops ever seen.)
If they had made the arcanes all legitimately farmable rather than doing another crate-driven content cycle, people would be far more happy to spend their plat on elixirs and ankhs to obtain these items - by playing the game.
After all, that is the reason we are all here. We came here to play a game. We did not come here to have our avatars stand in one place so we can shell out cash. If we can shell out cash to make our playing more enjoyable, that is one thing, but when the only choices are to either play OR shell out cash ---- that's where we have a problem.
Also readed 2 page.
Ppl keep saying "arcane 2 mil, its not good everyone can get 2 mil just farming lockeds weeks."
Tbh you are just talking about a arcane pet. Not the everyone gonna be same.
Maridos= 2. Mil
Sam 3. Mil
Singe = 4 mil.
Toor = 2 mil.
gold toor = 7-10 mil.
Nekro = 9 mil.
So choice one.
Than you need a weapon for the look same as top players. lets think about mage. 1 para Frost gun like 7 mil. its enough? No
Buy a ring 7 mil.
than buy gems to put all your gears.
Buy the amulat + arm + helm.
Buy a belt 2 mil to.
So all you guys talking about 2 mil. 2 mil isnt set, its just ONE 1 pet (also not best pet)
Try to get enough money from lock farm for the look same as an Top Player. Good luck to you, you will need lucky for that (and so long time maybe you can catch tham at the end of cap)
i dont agree with ur post....its not so easy to get 1m and 2m to buy arcanes...f2p are farming and buy stuff and are happy because what used to cost 20m before was not achievable can be achieved. Plat buyers get their money fast and they are still at advantage cuz they dont need to play long hours...Also arcanes still comes from lockeds.....from now on consider 1m-4m as right price for arcanes and not 30m-40m
Thx for the this thread its funy to waste time. Btw just sharing my experience
i am a elite farmer mage (i have all classes, but i am just using mage)
Did many elite shuyal, than tindrin i do forget how many time i ran that elites.
Did 1000++ arena,
did like 1000 time planar tomb runs.
My guild is just me and 2-3 friend. They are not playing much.
So allways i am doing runs on random partys. And i can tell you clearly
SO MANY FULL ARCANE GEARED PLAYER DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY ELiTE - Tomb - Arena. Also many warrior dont have idea about stun boss.
And yea i am not runing that maps more than 1 month. its mean i am talking about the times when rings 50-60 mil, nekro 50-60 mil.
NOT; i dont have problem if they dont know. Sometimes i leave when they dont know how to play, sometimes i am enjoying for the fun with ton of die. So i dont care die much, t3 still a profit map if i die 1-3 time.
i am not forcing tham. Not the everyone can know all.
Just wanted let you know thats many player dont know how to run elites but they wear 100-200 mil gears.
Edit: sometimes legendary geared players sürprise me, they are doing much much better job from comparing so many arcane geared player.
Last edited by VenomsChaos; 07-13-2015 at 10:04 PM.
Its true that arcane prices have dropped but the drop rates has been raised so u get more arcanes from less lockeds, means more or less u still make same amnt of money opening locks
IGN: Vrao/Bjzg
lol ursoth is comming soon... sts will just release new items and we f2p players will just get f***ed over again.....just let us hav fun for these few weeks. also.....this deflation is mad.....bascially make locks not worthwhile...but u can still sell elixs
From mortal hope springs immortal powertoons: goebejake rogue, saltspear mage
They will do okay like other mmo games do.
Plats/gems/diamonds/creeds/pearls (different real money purchasable currencies in different games) can speed up the process to be great, but dont make one GOD.
It was only in Arcane legends.
I like the current situation.
F2p has a chance to get somewhere with hard works. P2w players can cue up their way to get there.
New gamers will be interested and there will be more players in this situation rather than those 100-200m era.
lemme ask you a question.
you downloaded 2 games in your tablet.
1st one is something where you have no chance to fight against maxed out people. You get 20-30k golds from farming and the stuffs you need worth 200m.
You see in towns either there are extreme poor people or there are maxed out people and some of you met who tried to get there have lost hope and quited. Low number of gamers aswel.
The Second game you tried is full of new and old players. Everyone having almost same stats. People can fight eachother and the middle class people can even beat richies in pvp. You get welcomed in pve maps for your skills cuz gears don't make huge difference now.
You dreamt of some awesome pets you saw in auc. You can actually get them if you work hard unlike the first game.
At the end of the day, which game would you keep and which one would you be uninstalling??
The current situation will benefit Stg in long term.
Their player base will be larger.
There will always be reasons to buy plats. That can be event lockeds, energies, ankhs, elix or other stuffs.
We just need time to get used to with the increased value of golds.
5m gold is more valuable now than it used to be before.
More ppl spending "small" amounts of plat has to be better than a few spending large. The former is way more sustainable than the latter. And that plat the small-time buyers get (like me) is actually worth something; if I buy the biggest plat pack and spent it all on elixirs to resell I could just about get an arcane ring: in the past when I've bought the biggest plat pack it hasn't given me enough gold to get anything arcane.