Quote Originally Posted by Energizeric View Post
I think the idea here is this....

In past seasons, the "elite" rich players had very pricey gear like Arcane Rings and Nekro & SnS pets which set them apart from the average players. These items gave them huge advantages in stats and made PvP non-competitive for average players.

Now what STS has done is made these elite items much more obtainable for the average or "upper middle class" players. So what is the very rich player left to spend his enormous stash of gold on? What advantage can a player with 100m have over a player with 10m? The answer is jewels (or this season we also have very pricey leftover gems).

Why is this good? Well it gives the very rich player an advantage over others, but that advantage is a small one, not enough to make a player very OP like in past seasons. Remember that the difference between an Excellent Jewel and a Noble Jewel is only 2 stat points, yet the cost is 9x as much.

I very much like this solution. It still gives rich players a goal to work towards to better their stats, but it will never make them hugely OP as in past seasons. Whether it is work the extra hard work to get a couple of stat points is a decision that each player will have to make on their own.
This I still feel the people who are complaining about the prices of arcane/mythic items are hanging on to what was past season and the difference in stats. Personally if I was maxed if enjoy the challenge of all the newer endgame players with decent gear in pvp and pve