Hmmm,..... I suggest event stand in guildhall for example the gm of the guild make a guild event and after the event the gm will post the price in that stand just incase the player is offline

Another suggestion: message even offline

Another: gift even offline || the one who will gift will just go to gift stand search the ign of his friend (or make a code for specific player) and gift even offline and confirm 2x then he can put a message on it ( the one who send gifts can cancel the gift but the receiver should not receive it yet). The receiver can confrim or decline the sender can claim the gift in tye gift stand after the receiver decline....the receiver can saw the name of the sender of course xD

Another: traders market for guildhall hm, traders market for guildhall i suggest this because in my guild we selling our guildmates cheap price so can put traders market on guild (it cost plats to buy the market officers and gm can only buy it for the guildh) and it has no tax and no time required

Another: pet skins? Haaha just for fun xD