Quote Originally Posted by Arrowz View Post
No your wrong the ankhs/respec scrolls are not already payed for. When you open locks ur paying for a chance at an arcane/mythic item aswell as other possible loot. When you buy kits your paying directly for those kits. Why should kit buyers be screwed over because people gamble for arcane items and cry about it when they get other things and cant make gold? Heres an idea. Stop opening locks and go farm something for once in ur life. I know the pay to play life is hard.
Much harder than it is for f2p. Get over it

Then how do u open those locks? Do you have a magic key or do you plat farm? When you use plat u payIng anything directly or indirectly doesn't matter because money is used anyway.

Nevertheless stg found a solution on next update no more ankhs or respec drops from locks anymore.