Quote Originally Posted by KnowledgeFTW View Post
OKAY I admit this buff to Lifegiver is a BIT OP. But before nobody used it and now people are upset that STS trys to make heal more alive?
This buff is somewhat useful now to twink mages, before this twinking smurfs were seen as support class rather than AoE, and mages barely won 1v1 to rouges.
After this buff, rouges can still over power us mages very fast. Remember this buff, was meant to be more PvE oriented, not PvP. Rouges still dominate PvP, so I don't know why so many rouges are upset. We don't want a skill nobody's gonna use. Don't criticize STS for doing good work and instead thank them for putting up with our complaning points. But I do agree that this skill upgrade may have been buffed to much haha. Still, I don't want any more nerfs or buffs to heal, except reduced cool down time in exchange for less Mana/health regen.

Thank you and have a good day.
NOTE: Its fine if you don't agree with me but don't criticize me for having an honest opinion, amen.
As I said before, lifegiver will never be better than simply using pots in PvE. It's not a PvE skill.