I think that sts wants us to gear better for the elites that will come out soon.
Yes,Arcanes are pretty common right now,and that is a good thing.
Now,that arcanes finally don't cost an inimaginable amount of money anymore,everyone can have a chance at arcanes without having to spend money in the game or by playing 24/24.
There are many new players coming in the game right now (probably 10 new players came into Arlor since you start reading this comment), and seeing that arcanes are affordable,they say :"Meh,if i farm hard enough i can get that arcane item!".But back when arcane prices were bigger than the Burj-khalifa, they said :"Holy moly,i'm never going to be able to get good items! I'm done with this game!"

And the arcane ring will become pretty much useless when the elites come out...Because the same thing happened to the old Mythic armor when the Imbued sets came out...

Now,with so many new players, AL is getting back on the road.Hopefully we will see a new "Best mobile MMO banner" soon enough!