Quote Originally Posted by Kingshahzeb View Post
Major tip = collect daily blessing daily

How to level... first go to skeller crunch, play in it at it's 3rd map till you get to 36 then just grind in alien oasis I because there is no other way to level, at 38 go to Alien Oasis II and clear all maps until you unlock plasma pyramid. level here repetitively till you 46, then what to do grind in AO III(Alien Oasis III). when 50 never try shadow caves because it is mainly for drops and you can't level so finely there, however l50 is the slowest to find maps so try in balefort sewers and get to 53, here go to nuri second map (i forgot name) this till 60. now go grind in mount fang vampire feast just in thought you'll get a drop then at 66 go to humania and grind also O_O then of course black smoke mountain but never go to dragon lair but go to dragon slayer.
Farming guide .....http://www.spacetimestudios.com/show...How-To-Be-Rich
I would keep going plasma until 48, then go to balefort sewers, and then nuri

Another quick tip- Do free plat offers and use on what u need, however don't buy weapons with platinum.