Quote Originally Posted by DarrenPR View Post
So, rather than optimizing game code, managing memory more properly and upgrading both the hardware and bandwidth of the system to allow for more maps to made with higher mob density, we instead essentially remove the usefulness of one of only three playable characters in the game, leading to some people outright quitting altogether? Seems kind of silly to me. But then again, what do I know, right?
Remove the usefulness of which character? I have no idea where you have got this assumption from? I was agreeing with you're post, I would love to see maps with big pulls and alot of mobs. If you mean by the Venge buffing everyone in the party, ofcourse this wouldn't be able to stack if there was another warrior using it aswell, it would just mean atleast tanks would be more useful on the boss. Obviously upgrading the server would be the best solution but I doubt STS will do that to fix one class.