Overall I'm not sure if I like this jewel elixir idea. The end result is that I think jewel prices will drop. While that may sound good to many of you who are trying to build noble jewels, just remember that jewels is one of the best things to farm this season. In fact, I'd say that most of the gold I've earned this season has been from jewels. If they drop way down in price, jewel farming will become a waste of time, and in a season where there is not much else to farm, that could create issues.

The only good thing is that the cost of the jewel elixir is somewhat high. Hopefully that puts a cap on how low the price of jewels will go before it no longer pays to buy the elixirs. However, just keep one thing in mind.... unlike eggs that get opened and used up, and gems that get put on gear and cannot be reused, jewels can be reused over and over. So once a decent portion of the AL population maxes out their jewels, then the price plummets and then there is no going back and fixing it. It is not an item that the player base will need an endless supply of. So monitor this very carefully please!