Nicely said OP.

My thought for a while now, is they are dealing with an original code base that somehow doesn't scale as the community grew. One example: during the Tindrin release (the deepening of the Warrior divide) all mob clusters were leashed, killing large pulls, because too much lag resulted from how things had been.

My hope is that this entire expansion has been designed to bring and, more importantly RETAIN a ton of new players to the game. Based on what I see at end game in km3, it seems to have worked. The events are not much different

Those new players would quit if arcane prices return to the day I paid 27 million for Samael. So, everything, (economy, gear, pets, events) changed from the obvious pay to win scheme, to something a bit more realistic for someone willing to spend a bit of plat.

The obvious pain point, as you point out, is the long tem player base. Most, I suspect, who played Tarlok 2013 and 2014, were very disappointed with this version in its original form (at least energy crafting wss addressed after release, but not much else that I'm aware of).

Let's hope that with the 51 cap, that STS will continue to learn, listen to the community, and a better balance between new and old can be found.

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