agreed on many points, but wonder why you see a problem with a solo combo? knowing when to best use that shows me a better player in pve.
Cross class combos would be another way to help the imbalance of warriors in al maybe. What if killing a boss with a mega increased chances of a better drop?!
I fell like solo combos don't encourage teamwork, and for example lots of newer bears just join a game and becon stomp. (Would continue but just finished a 20 page paper on sparta.
+1 to the idea of a tarloc type event as it encouraged cooperation.
One thing I always thought pl had better than al was the join as opposed to the party system in al that didn't encourage pugs.
Tysm! That was one of my main things, but I forgot it.
Agreed, no charge skills and more than 4 lmao.
Problem with pets as far as I saw in al wasn't just that some were op, but that they were exclusive to an event, or simply unobtainable to a player who missed that( like gems) . "Too bad so sad", just like in pl with cap stat bonus. "Sorry you can't be on par statistically because you weren't there" isn't balanced gameplay, time to learn a lesson sts.
Yeah, I feel like they added too much complexity to the game, and ruined any chance of me doing pvp there.
Never tried at al event tiers but sounds like it may b good if other things like class imbalance are irrelevant.
Can't help but notice you didn't add plat opened crates as either good or bad,but I'd say not bad as long as loot can be traded or sold in cs / ah, AND FARMING is profitable enough obtain exclusives.
I'm kind of neutral on them. As long as nothing exclusive that can only be looted from them drops, I'm fine. I think they should just be an easier way to obtain the farmable gear.
None of this waiting if it's for crafting, or energy, just no.
Might have thought of more but just destroyed many brain cells