HI, i wish i could i got scammed all my gear by a guy i was crying i wish i had never did what i had done my gear and player ment alot to me and i hate to leave my friends and guild like this but it has to and i cant do enything about it i miss playing earning great amounts of gold each day and playing events everysingle event i made it to gold tier atleast and this year winter event im still silver and will remain at silver tier i feel really bad leaving my friends i like running maps doing pvp having those good times and bad times with them i miss it and i will never forget i try friends to tell him to give me my things back but remained ignored i never though my Arcane legends career i always rememeber those friends who helped me and walked me through the whole game and helped me with all maps i needed the only job for me was to level up and when i did they let me go i rememeber when a friend of mine gave me a Arcane item and frined give me lots of gold just for because friends and i help them out by being the best frined i could i will miss you all its too mucuh for me to start farming and doing alot to get that gear back plus i dont have time enyway have a great new years everyone and Thank you! i will miss you all!