And those 18s and 19s are of equal gears, pets, and skills? I highly doubt it. I have a feeling this is going to turn into a pissing contest. I've proposed a solution to the issue on my first post, I digress.
Quote Originally Posted by butterspar View Post
I have absolutely 0 issues with doing a 4v5 against 16s, but even then they complain that I'm 17. My issue is when they think 3v5 is the only " Fair" game for 16 vs 17. And yes yes we do fight 18s and 19s without complaints. But that's us, and we don't care. However the 16s do seem to care so I'll oblige, if I have a good and ready team

P.s. Stop mentioning you're 16 @thelevel16players. We already know, and telling us makes no difference